The Rise and Fall of Directed Motivational Currents: A Case Study

How to Cite

Safdari, S., & Maftoon, P. (2017). The Rise and Fall of Directed Motivational Currents: A Case Study. Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 7(1), 43-54. Retrieved from


Directed Motivational Currents (DMCs) characterise a novel perspective to intense and enduring motivational periods in L2 learning. It is different from other motivated behaviour types in terms of length, intensity, and structure. Owing to the novelty and innovative nature of the construct, the specific features of DMCs and their components are not sufficiently explored, and the existing empirical evidence is not adequate. The current article is a qualitative case study that relies on the results of interviews with a participant who experienced a unique period of DMCs. The participant went through a unique process that suddenly gave rise to a surge of motivation and that her motivation ceased abruptly. The findings confirm the existence of DMCs and the validity of its proposed structure. The empirical evidence supports the significant role of goal-orientedness, salient facilitative structures, and positive emotionality. Certain implications for further research and recommendations for pedagogical practices are also suggested.