An Exploratory Investigation into the Supervisors’ Cognitions of English Academic Writing (AW) at the Graduate-Level Education

How to Cite

ŞAHİN, İbrahim, & Yağız, O. (2024). An Exploratory Investigation into the Supervisors’ Cognitions of English Academic Writing (AW) at the Graduate-Level Education. Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 14(1), 66-84. Retrieved from


Academic writing (AW) is significant but challenging for both supervisors and supervisees; however, much of the research up to now has tried to see the issue of AW from the supervisee’s perspective. This study aimed to investigate the issue from Turkish ELT (English Language Teaching) supervisors’ perspectives regarding the definition of AW and its relation to research and supervision, AW proficiency, and practices and recommendations for AW. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data and the recorded data were analyzed through content analysis. Findings revealed that AW is still challenging for supervisors and their supervisees; graduate-level Turkish supervisees are mostly unaware of AW, its conventions and norms, and its significance for research. The supervisors recommend that more guidance and supervision, effective feedback, more contact and collaboration with supervisees, more motivation, effort, and more critical reading can minimize the challenging impacts of AW and maximize the quality of supervision.